3 Things to Remember to Kickstart Your Summer Regimen Summer is prime swimming season and…
Improve Your Swimming Technique With SwimMirror
As we know, most people fall into one of three different categories, auditory, tactile, and visual learning. If you’re one of the many people in the visual learning category, you might have noticed the lack of actual visual aids for swimmers.
Aside from watching others or asking a friend or coach to record you from the side of the pool, there hasn’t been much in the way of active visual instruction until now.
Introducing SwimMirror, the perfect visual tool for improving the swimming technique of both beginners and competitive swimmers.
What Is SwimMirror, and How Does It Work?
Designed and manufactured by American Douglas Metals (ADM), SwimMirror is a reflective aluminum sheet you place at the bottom of your pool. While you’re practicing your form, you can watch yourself in real-time, spot mistakes, and actively correct them on the fly.
The reflective surface is clear enough to see underwater, and it’s used to help improve your:
- freestyle stroke technique
- competitive swimming
- breaststrokes
- arm strokes
- side strokes
- body position
Who Is SwimMirror For?
SwimMirror is a valuable tool for swimmers of any skill level looking to improve their form, as well as instructors to use as an additional learning tool to help focus their student’s movements.
Swim Instructors – Trying to convey the proper motion of an arm stroke or something as simple as a correct head position can be frustrating if your student doesn’t grasp what you’re saying with words alone. Some students learn far more easily from studying visual examples, and there’s no better visual example than themselves. By utilizing the mirror in conjunction with your verbal instruction, your students can watch themselves move and tweak their performance until you give them the thumbs up.
Introductory Swimmers – For beginning swimmers going it alone without a coach, SwimMirror can help you align your movements. When you’re just starting out, unifying your entire body’s movements is an awkward hurdle to overcome. It’s easy to go off the mark and veer in different directions when your head is whipping from left to right. If you’re in a public pool, this could end in an embarrassing crash into another swimmer. By practicing and keeping an eye on your reflection, you can control your movements, so you stay within your lane until it becomes muscle memory. You can also study your arms and legs working together and nail down the basic body movements.
Elite Swimmers – If you’re a Professional swimmer, your ultimate goal is simply to swim faster. If you’re swimming freestyle and already know what the perfect stroke should look like, you can analyze yourself in your reflection and tweak your performance. Learning to perfect your form is key to pushing your skill ceiling.
Why Aluminum?
Aluminum is highly resistant to rust due to its low iron properties, and with the additional anodizing treatment ADM adds, the metal becomes impervious to the harmful effects of water.
While SwimMirror may be reflective like glass, it’s not fragile. Aluminum is far more durable, and crucially, safer than glass which can crack or shatter under pressure. It should goes without saying that broken shards floating around in your pool are not something you want.
We don’t recommend the following acts, as they may damage the reflective qualities of your SwimMirror, but kicking, dragging, or even standing on its surface with your full body weight is perfectly safe. Aluminum doesn’t shatter, keeping you safe from accidental lacerations.
Installing & Maintaining SwimMirror Is Easy
SwimMirror doesn’t require tools of any kind to install. The metal sheets weigh only 3lbs, making them easy to carry and heavy enough that the pool’s water pressure alone will hold them in place. Installing is literally as simple as throwing the sheets in the pool and aligning them along your swim tracks.
Cleaning SwimMirror is as simple as rinsing the surface to remove the chlorine, and letting it air dry for future use.
Perfect for Public or Home Pools
Whether you own an Olympic-sized swimming pool or something more residential in your backyard, SwimMirror will fit. Rather than one giant sleeve, SwimMirror comes in a series of 45.5″ x 28″ sheets for you to line next to one another on your pool’s floor.
Order SwimMirror Today and Improve Your Swim Technique!
Whether you’re a beginner swimmer just learning how to move in a straight line or a professional working on your freestyle swimming technique SwimMirror is for you.
To order your very own SwimMirror sheets, visit our website.