People are using their spending power more wisely than ever. With the price of gas and groceries skyrocketing recently, deciding how to spend those hard-earned dollars has become increasingly more important. Mom and dad are trying to get the biggest bang for their buck, and that includes where they’ll be choosing to sit poolside or send their children to train.
As Summer vacation is now upon us, children now have much more free time on their hands, and families will be looking for things to do. To attract these customers, you’ll need to find ways to stand out from other swim clubs and competitive schools. Swimming lessons for kids will be in full swing, so why not boast about your specialized equipment?
Summer Attraction
One of the best ways to attract more customers is to offer SwimMirror at your pool. It just may be the deciding factor as to where families choose to spend their time and money with you this season. Those who have competitive swimmers in the ranks will love that SwimMirror is part of your standard setup. It enables everyone in the pool to train like those in the highest echelon of competitive swimming.
Regular access to SwimMirror equips swimmers of all levels with a tool that will help them become more accomplished in the water. Benefits include:
- immediate feedback on technique
- self-regulation
- and visual focus
It takes the guesswork out of practice by creating additional sensory input that students can take advantage of during their swimming lessons.
Take Full Advantage of Swimming Lessons for Kids
Maintaining a neutral head position, rotating the upper body, and keeping the hips up, are just some of the techniques swimmers need to conquer if they want to swim freestyle. Typically, students will utilize swimming lessons to learn these skills, but if you and every other pool offer the same services, how do you stand out?
SwimMirror gives you that added competitive edge and helps to cement in parents’ minds that your pool is the place to be if their kids want to make actual progress on their stroke this Summer. By utilizing your coaches’ feedback and seeing the actual results reflected back at them on the bottom of the pool, your customers will see their form improve, allowing them to swim faster.
Plan for the Future
Leaving a lasting impression is everything when it comes to repeat business. By providing the best experience you can with the best tools at your disposal, customers will think of you whenever they feel it’s time to develop their skills with further swim lessons. Better yet, because SwimMirror is perfect for every skill level, you’ll be attracting more than just children for the Summer vacation.
SwimMirror is endorsed by three-time Olympic gold medalist Rowdy Gaines for its effective aid in perfecting form. By attracting adults and competition-minded people to your local pool, you’ll generate additional clientele whose schedule isn’t dependent on the school year.
Don’t let the season pass you by! Improve the quality of your business’ swimming lessons and pool time with SwimMirror today!
To learn more about SwimMirror or to order your very own sheets, visit our website or call us at (800) 432-3423.