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Swimming Habits


June 15, 2022
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People are using their spending power more wisely than ever. With the price of gas and groceries skyrocketing recently, deciding how to spend those hard-earned dollars has become increasingly more important. Mom and dad are trying to get the biggest bang for their buck, and that includes where they’ll be choosing to sit poolside orRead more


May 15, 2022
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After nine long months of early bedtimes and hours of classwork, kids can finally pack their notebooks away and enjoy the Summer. However, if your children are interested in joining the swim team when the vacation ends, you might want to reconsider letting them morph into couch potatoes for the next couple of months. ARead more

Why Competitive Swimming Training Needs Swimmirror

April 13, 2022
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If you’re involved in competitive swimming, you know how difficult it can be to tweak your stroke. The repetition of years of practice makes it tough to change your body mechanics, and the smallest adjustments can be the difference between a win or a loss.   Input from coaches is helpful, but analyzing a swimmer’sRead more

Alexa, How Do I Find The Best Competitive Swim Coaches Near Me?

April 6, 2022
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Scouting for the right coach is a lot like Tom Hanks’ famous line from Forest Gump, “…like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get.” Even when you find rave reviews from people you trust, the personalities between you and that coach need to align enough to work together effectively. WhatRead more

Improve Your Swimming Technique With SwimMirror

March 14, 2022
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As we know, most people fall into one of three different categories, auditory, tactile, and visual learning. If you’re one of the many people in the visual learning category, you might have noticed the lack of actual visual aids for swimmers. Aside from watching others or asking a friend or coach to record you fromRead more

How to Get Motivated to Go to Swim Practice

February 26, 2020
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It’s not just an athlete’s performance in the pool that makes them unique, but also the dedication, hard work and sacrifice they put in to reach and maintain that status. While some swimmer’s motivation never sinks, others have a hard time staying afloat.   The Olympic motto is ‘Citius, Altius, Fortius’– meaning ‘Faster, Higher, Stronger’. Read more

Olympic Insider: How Japan is Using Olympic Tech for the 2020 Olympics

January 23, 2020
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Get ready for the Olympics 2020! It’s time to start following your favorite athletes and cheering them on towards the stadium in Tokyo, Japan, this summer.  Over the past 124 years, the Olympics have brought countries around the world together on a platform to play friendly competitive sports and embrace inter-cultural dialogue.  This year, JapanRead more

Your Holiday Gift Guide for Your Swimmer

December 16, 2019
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16 gifts to treat your swimmer to this holiday season Tired of getting the same-old-same goggles and a new headcap for your avid swimmer?  Look no further because we’ve compiled a list of the top 16 fin-tastic gifts for 2019.  Your swimmer will flip for joy! Training Gear Towel How many towels does a swimmerRead more

How to Optimize Breathing When Swimming

November 18, 2019
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It goes without saying that breathing is essential, but in swimming it is a science.  It can either amp up your power and propulsion or debilitate your technique when done incorrectly.  Coaches often field questions from swimmers such as: “When do I breathe?” “Where do I breathe?” “How many times should I breathe?”  All ofRead more

Coupling Motions: Boost Your Distance Per Stroke

August 18, 2019
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When swimming, nearly all of the forces that create propulsion come from the hands and feet.  However, there are motions that we can perform with our bodies to help maximize the distance and speed of a swimmer’s pull and kick.  These movements are referred to as coupling motions. While coupling motions do not generate propulsionRead more