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SwimMirror Blog

How to Optimize Breathing When Swimming

November 18, 2019
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It goes without saying that breathing is essential, but in swimming it is a science.  It can either amp up your power and propulsion or debilitate your technique when done incorrectly.  Coaches often field questions from swimmers such as: “When do I breathe?” “Where do I breathe?” “How many times should I breathe?”  All ofRead more

5 Ways You Can Help Raise Awareness for Breast Cancer through Swimming

October 31, 2019
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October is breast cancer awareness month. Besides skin cancers, breast cancer is the most common cancer in American women, claiming an estimated 41,760 lives in 2019. In fact, according to the World Health Organization, breast cancer is the most prevalent type of cancer among women worldwide.   What are we doing about it? For starters,Read more

Dryland Training is Important for Any Swimmer & Here’s Why

September 15, 2019
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Competitive swimming is vigorous – there is no doubt about that. Long grueling hours training in the pool, a strict 12,000 calorie diet, traveling to meets on the weekends and numerous personal sacrifices are the building blocks of Olympic swimming champions like Rowdy Gaines and Amanda Beard.   Any swimmer or coach will tell youRead more

Coupling Motions: Boost Your Distance Per Stroke

August 18, 2019
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When swimming, nearly all of the forces that create propulsion come from the hands and feet.  However, there are motions that we can perform with our bodies to help maximize the distance and speed of a swimmer’s pull and kick.  These movements are referred to as coupling motions. While coupling motions do not generate propulsionRead more

4 Basic Swim Strokes Every Swimmer Should Master

July 30, 2019
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Fine-tune your basic swim strokes like a pro Whether you are gunning to surpass Michael Phelps’s career record of 28 Olympic Medals, or just training for the sake of strengthening and toning your body, there are four basic swim strokes that every swimmer should master: freestyle stroke, breaststroke, backstroke and butterfly stroke. Mastering these swimRead more

How to Start Your Swim Training Plan

June 24, 2019
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3 Things to Remember to Kickstart Your Summer Regimen Summer is prime swimming season and with school out of session, there’s no better time to start a swim training plan. But how can you start strong and ensure you’ll stick with it? By establishing your goals and prepping your swim bag with the essentials, you’llRead more

Mastering Your Timing in Freestyle

May 31, 2019
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Mastering Your Timing in Freestyle Learn breathing, kicking, and arm stroke techniques Have you ever struggled to master your timing in freestyle? Understanding your timing and movements in unison will help you create a powerful swim stroke and make you a stronger swimmer. Often times, swimmers try to swim faster with little focus on skillsRead more

Water Safety Guide for Parents

April 22, 2019
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How to Practice Water Safety with Your Child With May being National Water Safety Month and summer around the corner, it’s important to freshen up on water safety tips to ensure safe and happy swimming. According to the 2018 report by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, drowning is the #1 unintentional cause of deathRead more

Your Swim School’s Essential Guide to Swimming Equipment

March 27, 2019
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Discover the Top 5 Tools You Need When looking for training equipment and tools for your school, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed with the many items available on the market. This is especially true if you’re just looking for the essential equipment that fits your budget constraints and is scalable to meet the needs ofRead more

How to Fix Your Freestyle Technique with SwimMirror

February 28, 2019
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Tips for posture, line, and balance So, you’ve got a SwimMirror and you’re eager to freestyle in the pool! But you’re probably wondering: what are some neat tricks I can do with SwimMirror? How can it help me fix my technique? Read on for some age-old tips and tricks from the pros for effective freestyling.Read more